Music playing in the background throughout video. Meet Your Employment Team Narrator: Social Security's Ticket to Work Program helps people who receive Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI or Supplemental Security Income or SSI and want to work, achieve financial independence and fulfillment through employment. We know that searching for a job and navigating the complexities of disability benefits can be challenging. That's why the Ticket to Work Program offers you the choice of many service providers to ensure you have help every step of the way. Members of your Employment Team can provide a variety of services including: * Benefits and work incentives counseling * Career planning * Job search and placement assistance * Ongoing employment support * Training programs * Special programs for veterans and youth in transition * Advice for getting tuition support * Rehabilitation services * Legal support and advocacy * And assistance with accommodations Your Employment Team includes: * Employment Networks * State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies * Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects * Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security Organizations Through the Ticket to Work Program, each member of your Employment Team works together to help you find, keep and advance in your work. If you'd like to learn how to choose your Ticket to Work employment team and find success in the workforce, please contact us today. For more information, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842. For TTY, it's 1-866-833-2967. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern. Or visit us online at Produced at U.S. Taxpayer Expense.