Music playing in the background throughout video. Trial Work Period Narrator: Are you thinking about pursuing fulfillment and financial independence through work, but not sure if employment is right for you? If you receive Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI, a Work Incentive called the Trial Work Period may help you as you enter, re-enter, or continue in employment by protecting your eligibility for payments and/or Medicare until you achieve self- supporting employment. The Trial Work Period allows you to test your ability to work for at least 9 months. During that time, you will receive full SSDI payments, no matter how much you earn as long as you report your work activity to Social Security and continue to meet their criteria for disability. The Trial Work Period continues until you accumulate nine Trial Work Period service months within a rolling 60-month period. The 9 months do not have to be consecutive. Social Security uses the amount you have earned in a month before taxes, to decide if a month counts toward your trial period. This amount changes annually. To find out this year's amount, contact your Ticket to Work service provider, or visit When you finish your Trial Work Period, there are other Work Incentives that can come into play, including the Extended Period of Eligibility, (or EPE) and Expedited Reinstatement, (or EXR). After you complete your Trial Work Period, you will begin a 36-month Extended Period of Eligibility. This Work Incentive is a safeguard during which time Social Security will evaluate your work and earnings to determine your eligibility for benefits. Expedited Reinstatement acts as a safety net if your benefit payments end due to work. It may give you up to 6 months of temporary benefit payments while Social Security makes a decision about your request. If you need to stop working because of a medical impairment that's the same as or related to your original disabling impairment within 5 years of when your benefits stopped, Expedited Reinstatement makes it possible for you to have your benefits start again without needing to submit a new application. We know Work Incentives can be complicated and more information can be found at For more information, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842. For TTY, it's 1-866-833-2967. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern. Or visit us online at Produced at U.S. Taxpayer Expense.