Music playing in the background throughout video. What is Ticket to Work Narrator: Are you age 18 through 64? Do you receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income or SSI because of your disability? SSDI provides benefits to people with disabilities who have worked or have previously worked and paid enough into the Social Security system through payroll deduction or paying self-employment taxes. SSI makes payments to people with disabilities and who have limited income and resources. Are you interested in increasing your earning potential and finding fulfillment in the workforce? If so, Social Security's Ticket to Work Program may be a good fit for you! Ticket to Work is a free and voluntary program. The program can help you decide if working is right for you and provide long-term support to help you find keep and advance in a job. Authorized Ticket Program service providers, such as Employment Networks or your State Vocational Rehabilitation agency provide services such as career counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation, job placement assistance and training. Employment Networks can help with career counseling and assistance with job placement, including helping you understand how working will affect your benefits. Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies work with people who need more significant services to return to work, or to work for the first time. This may include intensive training, benefits counseling, rehabilitation services, and education, which sometimes includes college courses. To learn more about other Social Security Work Incentives, see Social Security's Red Book by visiting If you're interested in participating in this free and voluntary program, call us at the Ticket to Work Help Line. Our team is happy to verify your eligibility and answer any questions you have. For more information, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842. For TTY, it's 1-866-833-2967. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern. Or visit us online at To learn more about employment supports for people who have a disability, Produced at U.S. Taxpayer Expense.