An Employment Network (EN) is a private or public organization that is under contract with Social Security
to provide free services to beneficiaries under the Ticket program. Some ENs provide services in local communities,
across a state or in multiple states, and some national ENs serve beneficiaries over the Internet and by phone.
All ENs provide career counseling, job placement and ongoing support services. Some provide additional services,
such as benefits counseling, so think about what your needs are as you search for a provider that best meets them.
If you choose to work with an Employment Network, it’s important to choose one that will
provide the services needed to support your work goals. Not all ENs provide the same services
so it’s important to talk with as many ENs as possible to see what they have to offer before becoming one of their clients.
Click the right arrow to learn about finding the right EN or click the WIPA, VR or PABSS icons to learn more about those service providers.