It is important to know about the Social Security Administration's Protection and Advocacy, or P&A, program,
known as Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security or PABSS. Free to everyone that receives
a Social Security benefit or Medicare or Medicaid based on disability benefits, the PABSS program helps SSI and SSDI beneficiaries
remove obstacles that prevent them from working. Located throughout the 50 states, U.S. territories and the Tribal Nations,
PABSS advocates will provide free legal aid, advocacy, and other services to assist you securing or regaining employment.
This may include help with appealing decisions of the vocational rehabilitation agency or the Employment Networks,
helping people with vocational rehabilitation get vehicle modifications so they can drive,
or a PABSS advocate may help with issues concerning Medicaid waivers or the Medicaid buy-in
and can help protect your rights regarding the conditions of employment.
Click on the WIPA, EN or VR icons to learn more about those service providers
or click the right arrow to learn how to find help.