Learn How the Ticket to Work Program Can Work for You

Chapter 5 - Managing Your New Job

Diagram: The Partnership Plus program supports each step to self-sufficiency. First, working with a VR will help you prepare for and find employment through benefits counseling, career counseling, education and training, and job search support. They can help you explore employment options, prepare to join the workforce, and find jobs. When you are finished working with the VR, the Partnership Plus program allows to you then receive support from an EN. ENs can help you stay employed by providing benefits counseling, job accommodations, job coaching, and job retention services. ENs can help you gain experience and earn more money which can provide fulfillment and self-sufficiency.

After VR services end, many people find that they need continuing support to help them keep their job and increase their earnings over time.

That’s why State VR agencies often partner with ENs that provide job retention services and other types of ongoing support.

This arrangement, known as Partnership Plus, gives Ticket program participants continued access to individualized employment services, if needed.

After VR services have ended, you can assign your Ticket to an EN of your choice to receive these additional services.

Partnership Plus sets you up for success by providing the support you need at each step along the way to financial independence.

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