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The Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program is not a direct hiring program. However, it can help you connect with job search resources and special hiring programs for individuals with disabilities. Ticket Program service providers have specialized job placement expertise, and many have relationships with employers looking to hire people like you!
Each type of service provider offers different services. It's important to understand, in general, what each provider does before searching, so you can select the type that can best help you. If you’re ready to start your job search and are not already working with a service provider, you can use the Find Help tool to find a service provider that can help you with your work goals.
An Employment Network (EN) can help you with career counseling, job placement and ongoing employment support services. Some can also provide benefits counseling as well. If you decide to work with an EN to reach your work goals, there are many to choose from. Finding an EN and Assigning Your Ticket can help you through the process and suggests important questions to ask.
A State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency may be a better option if you’re looking for comprehensive assistance with your job search. A State VR agency can provide rehabilitation services, training programs and specific programs for youth in transition and veterans, as well as career counseling, job placement, and in some cases benefits counseling.
If you are a veteran who is not eligible for services from the Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E) program, consider contacting an EN or State VR agency.
Even if you start your journey to work with your State VR agency, you can continue receiving support from an EN through Partnership Plus once your case with VR is closed.
Learn more about finding a job and assigning your Ticket:
The Path to Work: Getting a Job
Choosing the Right Employment Network for You
Ticket to Work service providers can help you explore two opportunities available to people with disabilities looking for work:
Schedule A gives the federal government permission to hire people with significant disabilities for jobs within the federal government without requiring them to compete against non-disabled jobseekers for those positions. Federal agencies hire Schedule A employees on a probationary basis. This means that Schedule A employees work on a trial basis. If they have earned positive reviews for their job performance at the end of the trial period, they may be eligible for conversion to a career-conditional appointment within competitive service.
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 has supported individuals with disabilities for more than 40 years by prohibiting the federal government and businesses that do work with the government from discriminating on the basis of disability.
Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, which was revised in 2014, prohibits businesses that do work with the government from discriminating against people with disabilities and requires these employers to take positive steps to recruit, hire train, promote and retain people with disabilities.
These rules create more job opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Your Ticket Program service provider may help connect you with these opportunities in your area.
Learn more about Section 503 in our Section 503 Frequently Asked Questions.
For information on upcoming federal hiring events, both in-person and virtual, please visit USAJOBS - Events. USAJOBS is the one-stop source for federal jobs and employment information. The USAJOBS Events page provides information about upcoming job fairs, student opportunities and tips for writing a federal resume, among other useful information.
Even if you aren't interested in Schedule A and Section 503 employment, there are many opportunities out there for you! A great place to start is our Find a Job page. Listed there are a number of organizations that have online job search resources that can help you pursue your employment goals, along with a chart you can use to compare the features that the organizations provide, such as job boards, resume services and social networking opportunities. Some of the organizations also offer an employer directory and access to recruiters.