Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
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Social Security Work Incentives can help you through the transition to work and the move toward financial independence. In this Work Incentives Series frequently asked questions, discover answers to popular questions about Unincurred Work Expenses and find out how this Work Incentive can help people who receive SSDI and want to pursue self-employment goals.
When you work with a Ticket to Work service provider, they will help you develop a work plan that serves as a roadmap to your success. Learn more about work plans, such as what work plans include and what your responsibilities are in this Ticket to Work Frequently Asked Questions.
The Ticket to Work (Ticket) program recognized that military veterans have a lot to offer employers. Learn about Social Security resources and Ticket program supports for certain veterans as they look for civilian employment in this fact sheet.
Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 sets guidelines for federal contractors on employment of people with disabilities. In our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) resource, we share what Section 503 could mean for your job search and career path.
Did you receive a list of service providers from the Ticket to Work Help Line or the Choose Work website's Find Help tool? If so, this worksheet may help you call, email or visit Employment Networks (EN) to find one that is right for you.