Social Security makes every effort to ensure that any information published is accurate and up to date, but some information on this webpage may be historical.
Are You a Service Provider? Access the Service Provider Outreach Toolkit
If you received services from your state VR to find work, you can then use your Ticket to receive ongoing services from an EN after you are on the job. Read this fact sheet to find out more.
This fact sheet provides the facts on three common misconceptions about working while on disability benefits.
If you're ready to find work, Social Security's Ticket to Work (Ticket) program can help. The first step on your path with the Ticket program is to find a service provider that offers the supports and services that you need. Discover how to connect with and consider these questions to help you choose the right EN for you.
A summary guide to employment supports for persons with disabilities under the Social Security disability insurance and supplemental security income programs.
You can change Employment Networks (ENs) at anytime by un-assigning your Ticket. Use this form to un-assign your Ticket.
This Social Security publication provides basic background information on the Ticket program and Social Security Work Incentives for beneficiaries.